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If you are a retailer and interested in carrying Spotbear Productions in your store, please contact your local sales representative. If there is no sales rep. in your area, please contact us at wholesale@spotbear.com to receive a catalog or place an order. |
Northern California, Northern Nevada Air Company 415-436-6350 aircoshowroom@sbcglobal.net Washington and Oregon J Morgan & Associates 206-764-4550 julmorgan@msn.com Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota Robin & Friends 612-910-6359 robinlmoreland@hotmail.com Ohio Judith Bush & Associates 330-769-2828 HBUSH4@neo.rr.com New York, New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, DC, Virginia Interline Gifts & Marketing 516-466-2050 mutualmarketing@earthlink.net Other Areas Spotbear Productions 415-885-4556 wholesale@spotbear.com |